04.10.2022  —  News

A new identity, for a new era

La Redoute has a solid foundation, the result of the profound transformation carried out in recent years. Today, we continue and accelerate. We continue our development in France with an  ever stronger brand. And we are accelerating internationally. This dynamic of development is marked by renewed ambitions: a new value proposition for our customers, driven by a new personality, a new image, a more international, more technological and always more responsible culture. It’s a wonderful challenge that opens up before us.” Philippe Berlan – CEO of La Redoute



If for generations La Redoute has been a model of creation and reinvention, its transformation has deeply accelerated in recent years. La Redoute is no longer content to dress families, it furnishes and decorates their interiors. A renewal that the northern brand must now proclaim loud and clear.


This is confirmed by Marie Guillemot, Director of Brand & Communication at La Redoute: “In less than 10 years, La Redoute has evolved a lot. But too many people still ignore it. It was therefore time to rework our visual identity. By combining the talent of the Carré Noir agency and a dose of audacity, we have chosen an image of La Redoute faithful to its personality: pop, colorful, spontaneous, always on the move and resolutely trendy.”


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The logo of La Redoute had already undergone a facelift in 2012 by going from green to black. The logo imagined by Carré Noir is deliberately breaker : square (like a house) and in motion, it is a chameleon logo that can be declined to infinity, in bright colors as in bold prints, symbolizing the adaptability of La Redoute to all homes as to the trends of its time.


A new, equally enthusiastic and optimistic sound identity, signed by the Dissonances agency, completes the new look of La Redoute.


click to watch the video


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