At La Redoute, the constant innovation dynamic at the service of our customers generates numerous projects that constitute as many opportunities for those who want to live a true entrepreneurial adventure.
À La Redoute, la dynamique d’innovation permanente au service de nos clients génère de nombreux projets qui constituent autant d’opportunités pour celles et ceux qui veulent vivre une véritable aventure entrepreneuriale.
22.10.2019 — News
Launch of the website
Le 2 octobre, La Redoute ouvre un nouveau site web entièrement dédié aux nouvelles technologies du e-commerce, « ». L’objectif est de positionner La Redoute en tant que leader technologique du e-commerce.
On October 2, La Redoute opens a new website entirely dedicated to new e-commerce technologies, “”. The aim is to position La Redoute as a technology leader in e-commerce.
Projects, sharing experiences, APIs, events …
This website offers IT, data and artificial intelligence experts from around the world useful resources related to e-commerce activities. is also a site to attract and recruit IT talent to strengthen the two “La Redoute Tech Center” Roubaix in France and Leiria in Portugal. Congratulations to the IT teams France and Portugal who collaborated on this project!
For Ambroise Gressier, Director Organization and Information Systems La Redoute “Openness to the outside and networking with our eco-system are part of the DNA of the company. In the digital world, we are convinced that technological leadership is first and foremost acquired by sharing projects, innovations and knowledge. “.
New publications will be posted regularly
In addition to these articles, job offers, a calendar of upcoming events and a contributors’ gallery are also available.
“For the e-commerce players, the control of the data becomes a strategic stake and we need the best talents to invent, within the group Galeries Lafayette, omnichannel trade of tomorrow. At La Redoute, the dynamic of continuous innovation at the service of our customers generates numerous projects that constitute as many opportunities for those who want to live a true entrepreneurial adventure. “Samir Amellal, data director of La Redoute.